Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cosmic Energy and the Law of Attraction

You can perform this ritual if you are single, lonely, and you sincerely want to fiind a soul mate.

Your mental attitude (positive or negative thoughts) to a large extent determines your quality of life. If want to attract a true wife (or husband), you must first  of all imagine her/him in your thoughts and ideas; i.e. as an "ideal”.

Meditate and say the following prayer morning and night. Just as a seed sown in the ground will germinate, so will the qualities and characteristics of the man (or woman) about whom you are meditating will appear in your life in the the form of the ideal wife (or husband).

·          Meditate in your Sacred Space or in a place where you feel comfortable (natural surrounding, a park, lake, etc). Perform the “Cross of the Elements” ritual.

·          Then say the following prayer, slowly and out loud, remembering that each word releases a particular type of energy depending on what YOU are thinking as you pronounce it.
It is not so much the words that are important as the thought-energy that accompanies them.
Different people can pronounce the same word and achieve a completely different effect.

For a woman:
"Infinite Intelligence, let me attract a man who believes in marriage and worships the Divinity who gives us life; who is therefore loyal, faithful, spiritual, intelligent, prosperous and successful in life; who is in perfect harmony with me, spiritually, mentally and physically; who loves my ideal and whose ideal I love; who no more seeks to transform me than I seek to change him; we share the same love, freedom and mutual respect; who comes to me free of all commitments, through an act of the Providence that creates all new things.
The intelligence of the Cosmic Energy within me unites us within the Divine Order”.

Take great care not to subsequently deny what you have affirmed, as you will then neutralise the process of prayer.

For a man:
"Infinite Intelligence, let me attract the ideal wife who believes in mariage; who is gracious, charming, honest, sincere, loyal and believes deeply in the
great eternal truths of God; we share the same love, freedom and mutual respect. I am spiritually, mentally and physically united with these qualities in the woman I desire, and I know that while I am meditating on these qualities, they penetrate my subconscious, and I am drawing to me, within the Divine Order and through Divine Love, the woman who is the incarnation of my ideal".

Affirm these truths with deep commitment morning and night. Your subconscious will gradually absorb them and you will automatically attract your ideal spouse: the person with whom you will share love and mutual understanding.

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