Monday, August 1, 2011

Thought projection is one of those phenomena which both require and develop
maximum magnetism.
Thought projection is just as real and evident as X-rays. The Russians managed
to link Moscow and Novosibirsk using thought projection, it was revealed, some time
ago, by the “DOMSOMOLSKALA - PRAVDA”. The Americans are reported to have
succeeded in using this method to communicate between submarines.
Your thoughts produce vibrations that are propagated like electro-magnetic
waves, like electricity and light.
Each thought, voluntary or involuntary, creates thought vibrations that radiate
through space and when they encounter a particular person, influence their
behaviour. That’s why when you come into contact with someone, you may feel
sympathetic and attracted, or constrained, uneasy, hostile. That’s why a particular
person may create a depressing or a stimulating atmosphere, for example.
You can, by a great effort of mind, send your thoughts in a specific direction. By
focusing your thoughts, you can channel and project your thought vibrations and
establish an unbroken link between two people, even if they are miles apart.
However, in order for you to project these focused thoughts effectively, you need
strong magnetism.
If you want to succeed in your professional life or your love life, and get what
you want out of someone, you must conjure up an image of the person you want to
influence, and imagine them behaving how you would like them to behave towards
you. Once you have focused your thoughts, this image should be perfectly clear. The
vibrations will beam out and reach the mind of the person you want to influence. The
more forcefully you transmit them, the faster and stronger their effect will be. The
power and cohesiveness of your thoughts and the intensity of your magnetism
determine success.

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