Monday, August 8, 2011

In palmistry, luck is written clearly in the lines of your hand. According to popular belief,
fortune is more likely to smile on people with certain physical characteristics:
• gaps between the incisors (lucky teeth)
• eyebrows that join above the nose
• dimples
• hair on the back of the hands
• a beauty spot on the right cheek, the left side of the nose, the elbow or wrist
• an extra toe or finger
• a birthmark on the forehead
• white marks on the finger nails
• a twisted little finger.

In addition to these minor physical details, PALMISTRY – the study of the lines of the hand – not only provides valuable information on your chances of success, but also on your intelligence, love life and health.
Palmistry is an extremely ancient science that was practised in ancient Greece and Rome. Its aim is to study the shape and lines of the hand. Remember that your hands (both right and left) are like an open book that reveals your past, present and future. Your left hand reflects your past and the amount and quality of the potential for luck that was given to you at birth. Your right hand reveals what you have done with this potential so far. The differences between your right and left hands show that it is always possible to use free will, to a greater or lesser degree, and to play an active role in a destiny that is not, fortunately, determined once and for all at birth.

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