Saturday, August 20, 2011

Guardian angels, invocations, white magic

 Scientific progress hasn't done anything to dispel belief in supernatural forces – far from it – it has only boosted their appeal and therefore the development of everything grouped under the name of “occult sciences” or ESOTERICISM (secrets shared by the initiated). Many scientists are violently opposed to occultism which they regard as pure nonsense and superstition. And yet, it’s perfectly clear that esotericism has never before had so many followers as it has today. And what about you? How many times have you (consciously or unconsciously) used expressions which refer to magic or divine powers (saints, angels, gods, spirits, etc.) or even called on them for help? Probably much oftener than you think, even if you were only using ready-made expressions like “God help me” … “Thank Heavens!” … “Saints preserve us”.

A fascination for the divine and a desire to harness mysterious forces are all part of Man’s most ancient heritage. What could be more natural than to appeal to a god, a saint, or some other powerful entity when we find ourselves in a tricky situation or when we simply want destiny to be kind to us. The various mythologies that have developed around the world are full of protective deities. However for the single god of a monotheistic religion and even the multiple gods of a polytheistic religion, it’s a “full-time job” governing the destinies of all human beings. And this is why Man has found it infinitely more reassuring to appeal to a personal genius (or tutelary spirit) assigned to watch over him from cradle to grave. From the Middle Ages, these genii became “guardian angels” in accordance with religious beliefs of the era. However, such spirits are referred to way back in Hebrew tradition and this is where you need to look to find your own. 

There are 72 of them in total, six within each astrological sign, and the four most senior “Archangels” are: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. 

Angels and Archangels are said to be intermediaries between God and Man. Your date of birth determines which particular angel watches over you more than any other.

When you feel robbed of all your luck, crushed by adversity, deprived of all your vital energies, invoke your personal guardian angel. You should invoke him by calling his Name (check carefully), followed by his Attribute, and then you should recite the appropriate prayer, depending on your birth sign.

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