I must also warn you of the risks inherent in the act of stirring up negative thoughts when actions calling on the intervention of Magic are under way.
Certain mediums have gifts of clairvoyance allowing them to see into the invisible world that is the Astral world. They tell us that each human being is surrounded by a sort of luminous halo (occultists call it the Aura), varying in colour according to its place on the body and the individual concerned. Moreover, from the colour of the Aura, it is possible to gain a precise picture of a person’s state of physical and spiritual health.
In the case of some people, "leakages” of vitality occur, manifesting themselves by the discharge of a sort of coloured "vapour". It is then possible to see, clinging on to the Aura, kinds of excrescences which experts designate by the name of "larvae". Like larvae, they feed at off those to whom they have attached themselves, "sucking" their vitality.
But very fortunately there are other "energy forms" or entities living in human beings’ Auras. These are beneficent, for not only do they not sap the vitality of those on whom they are located, but on the contrary they exercise a protective function towards them. These fluidic forms constitute entities that are commonly called "Guardian Angels".
Their role is to put the people they protect into contact, on the astral plane, with other people capable of giving them their help, or else with groups of benefactors. The meeting with such a person, whose support will turn out to be particularly effective, subsequently takes concrete shape in the reality of the visible material world.
In a way, it can be said that the beneficent psychic beings that are our Guardian Angels are the product of the positive and beneficial thoughts of their hosts. If the latter entertain negative thoughts to the detriment of positive ones, they automatically move away …
Truth to tell, it is mainly from our thoughts and our words that either these larvae or else these beneficent psychic beings develop. The larvae are generally produced by our negative and destructive thoughts. Moreover, when the emission of negative thoughts is very intense and extends over a long period of time, we speak of "self-bewitchment": the individual is the victim of a form of "bewitchment" which he has unconsciously provoked of his own accord.
For example, following a setback in any field, a person succeeds in convincing himself of his inability to succeed (he thus makes himself the plaything of a negative belief…) and finishes by being certain that he is unlucky (whereas he in fact attracts bad luck!). He is then surrounded by negative waves, and those waves then block all his initiatives, and prevent him from achieving success.
Conversely, all optimistic, happy, constructive, positive thoughts reinforce the protection accorded by our Guardian Angel: the greater its force is, the less hold the larvae have.
So you understand that it is important (it would be impossible for me to overemphasize this point) to nurture positive and beneficent thoughts if you wish to obtain happiness and success.
You should know also that once created these beneficent or maleficent psychic beings attract towards themselves Guardian Angels or larvae of the same nature, which are travelling in the Astral and trying to attach themselves to an aura.
As they cluster together, these psychic beings become increasingly powerful, so reinforcing an individual’s positive or negative state of mind. And this is the snowball phenomenon: the happy or unhappy event unfailingly materialises in a longer or shorter space of time.
Therefore you now understand clearly that it is up to you to choose and control the direction of your thoughts.
Thus, to a large extent, you have the ability to shape the events of your life. Optimistic, confident thoughts engender an environment of positive waves and, through the agency of a beneficent psychic being, attract the happy event wished for by the person who thinks them.
On the other hand, people who think they will never succeed surround themselves with negative waves and will see the unhappy outcome of their gloomy thoughts materialise.
To highlight this phenomenon of interaction, here is a simple comparison with a well known natural phenomenon: the formation of clouds and rain.
The water lying on the surface of the earth evaporates and forms clouds, which then condense in the form of rain, in certain temperature conditions. Rain changes the relief of the earth and its consistency.
Likewise, as they think all human beings on earth "secrete" a substance which spreads around them, comparable to vapour from water. That "vapour formed by psychic water" is exuded by each of us continually, and forms the astral plane. Certain astral forms gather together in "clouds", constituting "astral clouds ". These clouds end up by turning into "rain", i.e. special astral currents that will alter events, the state of matter and human behaviour, i.e. the material plane.
Obviously, depending on the quantity and quality of the substance "exuded" by each individual, there will be different clouds, which will produce different sorts of rain. The astral plane is thus partly the product of the thoughts we entertain.
So when we change our thoughts in a positive way, we inevitably have an impact on the quality and quantity of the vibrations emitted by the spirit. And as it has a constant, ongoing impact on matter via the astral plane, we also alter the circumstances of our lives for the better.
If this phenomenon is channelled and amplified by the use of appropriate Magic Formulas, it then offers a wonderfully effective means of controlling the course of our existence, directing events, and achieving success, luck and happiness much more easily.
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