Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Exercise: opening the energy channel

You are going to sit or lie down in  a comfortable position and close your eyes. You can use some relaxing music as an aid if you feel the need for it.

-                 Breathe deeply and relax your body by gradually loosening all your muscles, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

-                 Then, as your body relaxes, try to make a vacuum within yourself. To do this, reject any mental suggestions, any questions, any forms of thought.

-                 Then, still continuing to let yourself go and relax, visualise, imagine a place, a location, a landscape that you know or don’t know - but which for you represents something marvellous; you feel good there, so good…

-                 Still continuing to breathe calmly and deeply, look into your innermost self for a place in your body that you feel is well, harmonious and at rest.

-                 From that deep, peaceful place, ask the universal energy imbuing this marvellous landscape that surrounds you to come down towards you, then into you. Feel it surrounding you, enveloping you, you are bathed in it; that energy is a gentle, vitalising light…

-                 Let it penetrate you through the top of your head (the "coronal chakra") and filter slowly down to the tips of your toes (to help you, visualise it like a shaft of warm light surrounded by an aura of bluish smoke…).

-                 Then affirm your will to be a channel of energy for the universe (say mentally in your head: "I am a channel of energy for universal Cosmic Energy").

That energy may manifest itself for example by a prickling sensation on your skin, a feeling of "pins and needles" on your body, your ears may hum, the bones on the nape of your neck may crack, or else you may experience a feeling of strong heat.

It is equally possible that you may be seized by a desire to smile, or even laugh, as can happen at moments of extreme  tension. So that is a very good sign, and again let it happen and welcome what comes without any negative qualms. This simply means that your nerves, being unaccustomed to this kind of call on them, are reacting in their manner. Believe me, tears or sobbing have the same meaning in this state of magic energy work.

Of course, these manifestations are not systematic, it may be that you will experience different sensations, or even none. What is important, beyond the sensations you do or don’t experience, is to be able to say after this exercise that you have been regenerated, that you feel really well, and that the idea of repeating the exercise gives you real pleasure.

This work on the energies is simple, but nonetheless crucial, for it contributes to the proper circulation of your energies within subtle, etheric and auric bodies. It purifies and balances them. The following is the esoteric explanation: when the "psychic part" of the individual is ready, it can then emit a tremendous force for fulfilment towards the physical body and the mind.

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