Saturday, August 30, 2014

Now, this is how to proceed:

Copy the pentacle with Chinese ink, on a parchment or a good quality paper, and put your initials at the accurate places, 1 first name, 2 surname.

Put down the pentacle in front of you, a glass of hot water beside it.
Sit in the meditation position you feel the most comfortable in. Light a red candle.

While fixing the centre of the pentacle, feel the heat of the desert in your throat. Breathe slowly while imagining how your breath is like a watercourse, coming from your mouth and fertilising the hot sand. At each expiration, water flows.

When you inspire you feel how you become a fresh spring.
Imagine how water comes out of the ground, rises along your legs, heats your genitals, awakens it and makes it vibrate.

Fixing the middle of the pentacle, make your inner waters boil. You can feel the pleasure of the boiling overrun you. A feeling of power arises in you.  Savour this impression a few minutes and expire towards the glass of water, the calm of the water entering you, soothing you.

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