Monday, October 1, 2012

To follow up the 29 of August Second Chakra sequence...

    How can you tell if your Sacral Chakra is open/balanced?

If it is "open" and functioning in a harmonious way, then:

-         you adapt easily to the natural flow of life and feelings; you are open and natural with others, especially members of the opposite sex.

-         sexual union with a loved-one enables you to take part in the vibrational "dance" of the masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) energies of Creation; you are capable of living in harmony with Nature and advancing towards emotional fulfilment.

-         you feel a joyful current of life flowing through your body, your mind, your spirit. You are therefore an integral part of Creation, and life never stops filling you with wonder and enthusiasm. Your feelings are spontaneous and your actions creative - they "enrich" both your own life and the lives of those around you.

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