Saturday, October 20, 2012

How can you tell if one or more chakras is blocked?


   In my earlier description of each of the chakras, I have tried to give a clear indication of the signs that allow you to tell whether a chakra is working harmoniously, inharmoniously, weakly, etc.
   Using these criteria, you should soon be able to identify your worst problem areas. Sometimes, I have deliberately described the consequences of a malfunctioning chakra in a rather "exaggerated" way, to help you to quickly understand certain tendencies associated with this imbalance.

   Another way of analysing your chakras is through self-observation. See which of your chakras reacts strongly at times of stress and unusual upheavals. You may find that in certain tricky situations in life, you always see the same kind of reactions.

   If, for example, your Root Chakra is under-functioning, you may feel that you are "losing your footing" when faced with difficult circumstances. If this chakra is "hyperactive", you will tend to fly into a rage or become aggressive.

   If the second chakra is functioning badly, your feelings will be blocked when things are particularly tense, but if it's operating excessively, you may well burst into tears or react with a lack of emotional control.

   Slow functioning of the third chakra can explain your feelings of powerlessness or weakness, often accompanied by a strange sensation in the stomach or a mysterious apprehension. When this chakra is overloaded, this results in nervous tension or a tendency to want to grab control of every situation through over-excitement.

   If you feel as though your "heart is stopping", this is a sign that your fourth chakra is not functioning strongly. And that awful thumping of the heart (when it "pounds" in the chest) in a stressful situation, indicates that the Heart Chakra is generally dysfunctional.

   If the Throat Chakra is functioning in an irregular way, your throat will feel tight and you might start to stammer, or your neck may wobble. In the event of this chakra becoming over-active, you will react with an avalanche of words which will do nothing to help you to master the situation.

   If, in a state of stress or shock, you feel incapable of forming a single clear idea, this is a sign that your Brow Chakra is under-performing, while headaches indicate that it is being overloaded.

   These reactions are typical symptoms of weaknesses in our energy system. So if we observe them carefully, this can help us to understand ourselves better.

   You can also use a special test (called a kinesiological test) to determine which of your chakras are blocked. You will need another person to help you with this.
   Here are the steps you should follow: place your right hand flat on a chakra and stretch your left arm out to the side, at shoulder height, so that it forms a right-angle with your body. The other person (the one who's helping you to do the test) shouts: "Hold!", and you try to hold your left arm in this horizontal position, while they try to force it down by applying pressure at the wrist.

   If the chakra is harmonious and balanced, the outstretched arm will show strong resistance, but if the chakra is blocked, the arm can't resist and the other person will succeed in lowering it without any great effort. Apply this test to each of the seven chakras in turn, and it will give you a pretty accurate idea of the energy state of your chakras. Disorders in the chakras always manifest themselves through a weakness in the arm. You can do this test from time to time to see if there has been any change. If the chakra system is in perfect condition, the arm test will have a positive result seven times over, i.e. the arm will show firm resistance every time. I would advise you to take a little break between testing each chakra to prevent your arm from getting tired.

   Another variation of this test is to press your thumb against your index finger on your right hand and cover the chakra to be "tested" with your left hand. Your partner then tries to separate the two fingers being squeezed together. If the resistance is strong, then there is no problem with the chakra being tested, but if the resistance is weak, the chakra needs to be balanced.

   Now I'm going to tell you various ways of restoring the balance of the chakra/chakras that need it most. There are different techniques for purifying, stimulating and balancing chakras. You will be able to adopt and apply those you feel are most suitable for you.  
   I'm going to suggest some simple techniques and exercises specifically designed for each chakra. They are tried and tested, and all effective, as long as you do them properly and regularly.

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