Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to attract the gifts of Providence into your Life

First of all, be mindful that your life has a purpose, and that everything happens for a reason.

Start to look for the "hidden meaning" behind the events that happen in your life.

Acknowledge that a state of ‘emotional agitation’ is an indication of a need for change and heightens your senses. In other words, listen to your body and to the ‘little voice’ of your intuition.

Be aware that the more conscious you are of these phenomena, the more they will happen.

If you have a feeling that you should talk to someone who can potentially help you answer your questions, don’t ignore it.

Have faith in your spontaneous development. Allow yourself to be guided, don’t force yourself to pursue a series of self-imposed goals, and don’t allow doubt to take hold. Just know you are in the process of progressing positively towards your destiny.

Start keeping a diary so you can note down any significant coincidences (synchronicity phenomena) that happen in your life. Keeping a diary is a good way of clarifying your thoughts.

I would recommend you start by analysing in particular the coincidences that have happened in your past; do this and you will get better and better at grasping their meaning, ready for when they happen in the future. It might be easiest to analyse them by area.

For example:

At home

Were there any particular coincidences or signs that you noticed when you were looking for the place where you’re living now: street number or name with a special meaning, a meeting with your neighbours, delays in property negotiations, misunderstandings over the telephone or any other curious detail?...

At work

How did you come to get your current job…or the one before it? How did you hear about it? Who did you talk it over with? What particular messages, if any, did you receive? What were your first impressions about the place where you work? Did you notice any signs that could have heralded an event that came later? Etc.

In your social life

How did you meet the most important person in your life? What took you to that place, at that time? Did the person you met remind you of anyone else? What was your first impression of this person…and did it turn out to be true? Were there any signs: a dream before or after the meeting, a bizarre coincidence, a delay, a complication...? Etc.

Think back, search your memory as well as your senses and intuition; you see, you’ll be amazed with your ability to "dig around the subject" ... and with the results you obtain.

When something happens to you, does it usually follow a particular pattern? For example, what are the similarities (in any) between the way you met this person who’s very important to you and the way you found your job, your new apartment or met your life partner?

In general, be on the lookout for any ‘hunches’ you may have had about turning points in your life, because they will allow you to collect that maximum information about any coincidences and increase your capacity for premonitions when future coincidences occur.

Secondly, in your diary, write down your daily observations. Start by writing down all the external signs that seem to take you in a certain direction.

Here are a few examples of external signs: you hunt for a stray message that suddenly reappears on your desk, your nightstand, on the TV…you read something in the newspaper that’s talks about one of your new interests…or an unexpected obstacle, a change of plans. Ask yourself: What information am I being given here? Why should I pay attention to this?

Not everything contains a special message for you, but by becoming more receptive to these ‘little ways out’, you potential for premonition will increase.

Observing internal signs is also important, and can yield a wealth of information. Your intuition is the tool you have for inner perception. With the external signs you hear, your see, you touch or are guided by something ‘outside’ of you, but with internal signs, you need to pay close attention to your own feelings.

These provide you with a very accurate echo, if you learn to listen to them properly. For example, if you’ve been feeling weighed down, or as if something bad is going to happen, you perhaps need to put off making a decision, or play for more time and get more information. Very often, we ignore these hunches, we brush off the signs…and end up making decisions that only take us further away from the goal we seek!

In this regard, you must always follow this golden rule:
Never make an important decision when you’re angry, in a hurry, frustrated, tired or in any other negative state of mind.

Start by looking out, over the course of the next few days, to spot any internal signs that may manifest themselves in different situations – for example, if your stomach or neck contracts, if your jaw tenses, if you’re constantly drumming your fingers, crossing your arms and legs, if you feel listless, if you’re short of breath or if certain noises irritate you. Ask yourself: What exactly is happening? What am I ‘receiving’ right now?

Make a daily effort to ‘decode’ the hidden meaning behind coincidences, as and when they occur. Be on the lookout; or to put it another way ‘on the hunt’ for messages from your subconscious.

For example: What was the most recent experience you had you could describe as ‘out of the ordinary’? Perhaps this morning you were thinking about somebody, and then that very same person called you on the phone? How many times has it happened that you’re exclaimed: I was just thinking about you! Did this person bring you an important message or information? Did you ask yourself why this coincidence happened? ... And what it could lead to? And so on.

Note: It’s possible that, as you start to train yourself, you’ll only glimpse these coincidences and they will pass you by without you paying them the slightest attention.

Don’t get discouraged, keep going!

In the end you will manage to slow things down and pay much closer attention to these events. You’ll develop your skill at spotting the next synchronicity phenomenon.

  Always bear in mind that that all the advice and exercises are aimed at making you more aware of past, present and future coincidences, and making you more attentive to their impact on your life.

You’ll also be expressing your desire to make your heightened perceptions trigger the appearance of more coincidences.

By setting my instructions into practice, you’ll awaken your consciousness. And by observing your life, you’ll soon realise that there is much more going on that you had thought. 

Beyond routine and your day-to-day problems, you’ll be able to identify a mysterious, divine influence, that will send you ‘significant coincidences’ which are basically messages to guide you in a particular direction.

Remember, in the magical world of coincidences, such messages flow and return; sometimes they come thick and fast, hurrying us along a particular path, while at other times they stop us from moving. The important thing is to stay in contact with the movement of ‘the soul’ that guides our life and takes it forwards.

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