Monday, July 4, 2011

Become aware of coincidences

Let me tell you about the true nature of the events people usually call "coincidences". You may find my explanation enlightening.

Throughout history, in every corner of the world, man’s imagination has been captured and inspired by myths and legends. These tales invariably figure a ‘golden key’, a mysterious wizard, a dream rich in meaning, or an unexpected clue that lights the way to the treasure or opportunity sought.

For Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, this archetypal ‘magical effect’ was a universal characteristic, shared by all human beings.
He devoted the greater part of his life to the study of  "coincidences" and acknowledged the important – perhaps essential! – role they play in the flow of life.

Coincidences actually constitute the very essence of fireside stories, the funny anecdotes related in wedding speeches, and the thrilling stories that generate such success.

You’ll no doubt already have noticed how many biographies are packed with mysterious ‘secondary’ effects such as chance meetings, missed trains, books open, or that fall open, at a significant page, doors left ajar, conversations fortuitously overheard, meaningful looks espied in rooms full of people, etc.

Many a novel or play would have failed to make it to print or stage without the ‘chance encounter’ between two people in a corridor or on a station platform.

 Similarly, the chaotic nature of many curriculums vitae is explained by the appearance of unexpected job offers that played no part in the initial career plan.

Coincidences are actually points of convergence, providing undeniable, crystalline evidence of the nature of life’s mystery, beyond our personal understanding, logical reasoning and experience.

Becoming aware of the reality of coincidences, and being on the lookout for their message and their meaning, constitutes the first step in the swift process of evolution towards a lucky and fulfilling life...

This is the very basis of "THE ULTIMATE SECRET"!

To deny the reality of coincidences is like rejecting the gifts the divine guide is prepared to give you... in other words, it’s like “sawing off the branch of a tree you’re sitting on"!

I don’t believe I’m wrong in thinking that’s the last thing you want to do, right? ...

Isn’t the very fact of having been selected by a great clairvoyant, to receive this powerful Secret of Luck and Happiness already the sign of happy coincidence?

This privilege has in fact been given to you at a very particular moment in your life…For my part, I "know" you’ve been feeling a sense of loss and dissatisfaction about your life as it is at the moment.

I can also tell you, in confidence, that the brilliant clairvoyant from whom I received the Secret that I am passing to you today, identified, during a e "clairvoyant flash", a higher truth at work in your life.

This means that in the secrecy of your heart and soul, you’re gradually becoming more aware of the inner call to a more fulfilling life. 

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