Wednesday, March 9, 2011

ALPHA deep relaxation

 Scientists have noted how the oscillations of human brainwaves slow when the person is in a state of relaxation. In fact, the waves slow from an amplitude of 14-21 cycles per second, when the subject is conscious and active, to 7-14 cycles per second when the subject is conscious but resting, falling again to 4-7 cycles per second just before sleep and to 1-4 cycles per second during sleep. These stages are known by the names: alpha, beta, and delta. The alpha stage is a ‘metaphysical’ state of deep relaxation which allows the mind to transcend time and space. This is the ideal mental condition for meditation, visualization, self-suggestion and remote influence.
Leonardo da Vinci, for example, wasn’t only a great painter but also an engineer and an extraordinary scientist.  When he found himself short on ideas, he would focus his gaze on a cup of ashes. This would allow him to enter the alpha associated with deep relaxation.  In this state his mind would be inspired by the ideas he needed. These inspirations arose from his subconscious mind. You too can benefit from this magical state thanks to the Alpha technique, which concerns a profound state of relaxation. 

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