Thursday, January 31, 2013

Testimony from Y.S

Back home from the United States after a course, I had been, for some time, searching for a new employment in the banking sector.
I had been in touch with several banks and one morning I got a phone call from one of them, who told me that they wanted to meet me,  my CV interested them. A meeting was set up for the following week.
I was very excited and wanted really bad to do a good impression, this job was what I've been wanting for years. But the day before the meeting was to take place, I had this "conversation" with my deceased grand father with whom I've stayed in touch, since he passed over, two years ago. He told me not to go to the meeting. I was upset. I wanted this job. He insisted; don't go! No further explanation was given.
That night I didn't sleep much, I was far to thoughtful.
Anyway, the next morning I didn't go, I knew my grand father wouldn't have told me not to go, if it wasn't important, but I still was disappointed. But the same evening at the news report, I heard that there had been a "Hold-Up" at the bank and at the very moment of meeting was to take place, too, that the people present there, had been held hostages during hours, everybody was chocked.
The next morning I called the bank and apologized and to my great astonishment and pleasure I got another meeting,
A few days after that, I had the job, I was in heaven.

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